Monday, March 28, 2011

watercolor 07

no, there's no watercolor 06!  unfortunately i missed that class, work got super crazy again.  very frustrating.  so here i am, posting two landscapes i did a week ago in class, in our 7th week.  i was only half there, as my insane deadline at work was fast approaching, and i was stressed and tired out of my mind.  i really hate it when this happens: i check out of my life for a while, until deadlines are done. 

i painted these two landscapes of the same subject with different hands, to try to engage in the process a bit more, as i was so out of it.  honestly, i thing the two bags of Pirate's Booty and the bottle of Ginger Ale did the trick, and even those, only half way through the class ...

painted with right hand

painted with left hand

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