Monday, February 7, 2011

new watercolor class

today i’m starting a new watercolor class at the Art Institute of Chicago.  i’m so excited to start this class, a super nice present from my thoughtful husband!  i’ve taken a couple of watercolor classes before, at Truman College, but as i was a complete beginner, those classes were all about learning basic color theory and mixing colors than about actual finished paintings.  i’ve done lots of little exercises, mixing basic colors to match certain colors, painting an occasional apple or two (and even an egg!).  and while the class at Truman was a nice first experience, it was more of a ‘happy painting’ sort of thing than anything else.

this new class seems like it’s going to be a bit more academic, more focused on critique, or at least that’s what i hope it will turn out to be.  i have to say, i have pretty high expectations from the Art Institute, and hopefully i’m not setting myself up for disappointment.  i’m hoping to get constructive critique, and i really hope to make a lot of progress!  i’m somewhat nervous about whether or not this will meet my expectations and take me far enough in terms or progress, but i’m trying not to think about that.  i’m trying to just go with the flow and enjoy it.  i’m pretty psyched to be doing some ‘actual’ paintings at this point, i feel like I’m ready to start painting something with an end result.

i think it will be a good thing to learn from a new instructor with new methods and a new approach, to freshen up things a bit.  plus, walking directly across the street from work beats my previous hour commute on the Red Line to Truman!  the super short trip to class after work will definitely be a nice change!
i’ll be keeping track of my progress along the way, and at the end of the 10 weeks, we’ll see where i am. 

off i go!


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